Monday 25 December 2023

Travel Man

Been out in the charabanc, called in on TT, Sue and Lucie, star of this lovely TT print. Hope to get John out for  a Fen pike in the New Year. Thanks from me and the Loafer for the wine.

Caught up with my  dad and brother, in the Greyhound for a change. I'll make sure he gets fed next time. The Loafer, The Canadian Giant and Lobkin and I used to wind up Tom, the grumpiest landlord in the world up by ordering scampi in a basket at 1 minute to 9pm. Wonder what happened to the bloke with a gammy eye, a roll up permanently glued to his lip and always wore a blue parka?

Then onto the Stour flood plain with the Loafer. He is loving his chub/roaching at the moment. He did his best to put me in some bankers, how I missed that bite I'll never know..

He jammied one out on the crumb feeder, a lovely stamp roach. 

And I came away with these cracking floats to field test and some local colour to soak up.

Wednesday 20 December 2023

Stout Doubts?

Never been one for a Guinness, bit like some Adnams beers when the toast taste is that little too burnt. I've been working through my excellent birthday beers and as well as the current fad grapefruity ales in the  Kirkstall Brewery box were a few stouts. The pick of these was their Drop Hammer. Which the label probably told me referred to a heavy pressing tool in the steel industry. What I did knew it told me was the ABV. 10%. Not one for  a chaser night cap before an early drive. It (they,  I had 2 cans in the box) was absolutely blooming gorgeous. Even more gorgeous than a Champion. So, if you come across some, buy some.


I even got out for a short fish on Saturday. The mill  looked ok on my recce but so did the Aquarium.
A pint of some fake Spanish lager and some quite nice nuts by Nobby first.

Quite acceptable but no Drop Hammer, though at a fairly reasonable pub price of 5.75  probably cheaper than the Drop Hammer would be in a craft beer outlet for a single can.

I did give the pool a whirl but too much floating debris. I did winkle out this brownie though which went well on the end of my line.

Bit more action on the Aquarium, a lot of small stuff but  a couple of better roach and dace. Corn and hemp and bait dropper next time  I think. Oh, and I'll have to knock up a little bait waiter to hang on the railing as it's a stand up jobbie.