Tuesday, 11 March 2025

An absolute shambles

Off to Chicken Town was the plan. Stop for a decent coffee and a sossidge sandwich, back in the charabanc and the  auto wipers came on. Bugger. Weather App said clearing by 12 so sat in Chicken Town Bridge car park listening to rain in the roof and the noisy old guinea fowl (Name change coming on?). Rain petered out by 12. 15 with a two hour rain free window so short walk down  the club bank to Bog Shed Door Blue Rope Swing swim 

Nasty down stream wind  messing up my swing over to the darker water and pulling the float down too fast. Back to the charabanc for the loaded waggler rod to cast direct with the fixed spool. A lovely Drennan waggler rod, but with poxy Drennan sliding reel fittings. As we discussed yesterday Loafer, the poxy things don't grip the reel seat properly after a little use.   Reel fell off walking back to the swim and first cast over the waggler got stuck in the far bank cover. Bollocks. Walk down to what I hoped to have left as the close-in dace and roach banker. Three trots, three brownies then a big tangle on the pin.

More bugger and I nearly sacked it off there and then. Walk up to a clear bit of bank to retackle and three trots above half way bush and three browns again then nothing.

Heavier Loafer balsa (5.5grm) and another attempt  in the BSDBRS swim, first trot in the now slightly more accessible glide and bingo brownie again.

Second swing out and another, bigger bugger rang out down the valley. Accurate casting though...

Walked round to retrieve both floats and the predicted rain began again. Everything chucked in the boot and off to Spoons.


  1. Impressive collection of out of season spotties. Impressive casting to get both floats hung up on the same bit of vegetation.

  2. Love a spoons !! Was in one the weekend for the ale festival. £2.20 a pint 👌 I’m looking forward to some trout bothering in the closed season 🤣

    1. Cheap as...you can use lures and ?worm? in your catchment area can't you?
