Thursday 20 June 2024

Seasonal change

The rhodos and flag iris are in full bloom on Golden Pond and the fish have taken on a brighter, bolder appearance too. This pair of boilie munching bream an almost pefect before and after example

What nearly did come after this horrendous monsoon (Golden Pond hasn't been this full for several years) would have made a very pretty picture.

As the rain cleared the float dipped and a tench was on, and what a tench  The darkest of greens and a shockingly custardy yellow belly. Hook pulled and it lay head in the silt, just out of net reach, for an agonising 30 seconds before righting itself and surging off in a cloud of silt and bubbles  3 feet of ancestral silt at the end of the staging so no wading this side of the pond. Never mind. A polite cough from a tucked away swim to my right  acknowledged the torrent of foul language that echoed around the valley. I went home. 


  1. Why when we seem to lose good fish it's big fish / or a fish you want! couldn't lose one of them Bream and land the Tench :)

  2. You've got to love 'em when they sit there and taunt you after shedding the hook.
