Sunday, 31 August 2014

Mixed bag

Saturday and a day around the coastal fringe, dad's taxi and ice cream hunter early doors.

Steam weekend on the Poppy Line

Then off to Sea Palling in the afternoon.

Got some chilli hemp ready for Sunday..


  1. Replies
    1. Conan, forgot there was a "D" notice ...have to report under restrictions. Big up heavy manners.

      Who caught those chub in the practice before the National and why did we have a sack of spuds in the mini bus anyway?

  2. what the hells a d notice?dont remember who the chub fiend was .may have been shane cudmore., i remember the practice day was sunny and there was a lot of boat traffic ,must have been downriver at tewkesbury.christ knows what the spuds were for cos we ate at the local chippie ,hence the pickled onion attack .we made the gazette cant seem to track down the photo though.

  3. I'm sure a few King Edwards were used in the liberation of the bus stop.
