Sunday, 4 January 2015


Here's some assorted holiday period stuff  from the annual Bureboy and assorted clan week away whilst I wait for the Bure to drop a touch. I remain under heavy manners and reporting restrictions apply.

3+ generations here

 Plenty of whiting about
No relation, literally

Iconclastic juxtapostion.

Can only be Cromer
 Lucky, lucky break in the scudding under cloud.
 Ok, a bit tarted up but come on, a money shot no?

 To hang your Beats on apparently
 Made a break for greener grass pre-Christmas Day lunch. North Norfolk in a frame.
Lifeboat Station and Pavillion Theatre at dusk
 The Strip, like a twixt wars ocean liner. That is front line. Took a massive battering in the December 2013 surge

 Mandem crew
Photobombers get everywhere

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