Sunday, 5 April 2015

Wet and dry

Nail-less nail knot, Amnesia leader, 4lb tippet. Thread on foam strike indicator.  6# double taper floating line.  Couple of false casts to warm up the  cast up the riffle. Foam strike indicator sinks, as does the floating line. It is 30 years old. This is not going too well.  Try a few different presentations,  then head down to the iron bridge to see what the chub are up to. One absolute monster amongst the also rans.

Put up a dry fly for the small dace above the bridge, several takes but not in possesson of the lightning reflexes required.

Plan: get line that floats.  and proper strike indicators. Lots of lovely big hackled dry's and some weighted ptn's to help turn the leader over and some polaroids.


  1. For a minute in that first paragraph I thought you knew what you were doing.

  2. Fooled me too. There was I waiting for the answer to all my trout catching problems.
