Monday 9 July 2018

The bream ticket

I needed to calm my fish soup frazzled brain and soak away the heat of the fantastic afternoon I'd just had with the Zanderlander. No better place to do it than back on the big platform on the faintly blue lagoon just as the church bells tolled 7.  In contrast to Zanderlander's cane, pin and quill of earlier out came the big guns and due to lack of holes for the back rests tips up it was.

One down the side and a good spread of pellet in front with biggish  leads and wafters on both.Small PVA bags as anti-tangle devices and to deliver a small enticer. I hadn't packed the stove and certainly had no barrow or bivvy so no carp were expected.

One toner to the right hand rod, and a game but small tench introduced itself to the top of the pads as the standard speccy net handle wasn't quite long enough. A lot of knit one perl one and I got it in.

Soon followed  by one from the rod in front that came in directly for the pads at a rate of knots then did a lot of lunging before  deciding to be more bream like and wallow into the net. Good lens work from Tony (or Gary as he is sometimes known). A very solid and pleasing 7.09.  Home just after 9 as well. 

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