Saturday, 10 November 2018

Lamp light

The Warby Blue was to get an outing, but after a few confidence building wag and mag fish the reel disintegrated and that was that. A shame as  I was just thinking I'd save a few blades to winkle out a perch.

I'd bought some lamprey though and had three runs, all from one spot. One dropped but two plump and pristine upper singles were most welcome. Feisty things too, head shaking and everything.


  1. Good to see, BB... I'm doing awfully on the pike front, right now...

    1. Keep at it Gareth. I do think pike fishing can be at times the simplest, most reliable thing but other times you'ld swear you were on a barren fishless desert..

  2. Yes! Very true... More the latter for me of late!
