Sunday, 26 January 2025


Storm Eowyn was a bit of  a damp squib here in Norfolkcestershire and I wasn't even aware Storm Herminia was going to be a thing till half way down the A140 today to pick up a rod from the Loafer. The river looked OK on my first pass over it on my way down to sign some estate tidying papers, but  a way marking pampas stand showed some signs of movement and heading back to the river the movement was rather more pronounced.

Rod duly purchased and reading material exchanged Loafer left me to trudge across the flood plan against the buffeting wind, hints of rain in the air as the early gloom descended, the upstream waves pushed up against a decent flow, the river with that bottle green tinge but clear in the margins. Chub conditions, not roach. So a decent hunk of flake on  a size 6  and 2x 2SSG given the increasing wind and now rain. Tip bent backwards by gusts so laid the rod flat on the bank. Poxy dog nosing round the bait bucket  meant I missed a flier but at least the fish were there. 3 casts later hit a confident stab round and  had a good tussle as the chub  made for the near bank snags. Standard stamp for here and worth getting wet for.

Not much longer after I'd had enough and headed for the Posh Pub and a nice fire to warm my wet. cold hands. Dark well before 4. End of days, even had an earthquake off the Norfolk coast in the early hours, felt well inland (it says, I was soundo).

The rod? A Drennan  IM8 13 foot feeder rod with a pair of beefed up after market tips for the bigger rivers. Looks proper for the job.

I had picked up a lighter feeder rod of less illustrious parentage yesterday for smaller cage feeder work with an AD gift token. All four tips have pathetic little flouro sight flashes so it'll be out with the matt white Humbrol. Though I think the idea with the Commercial rod is that an F1 pulls it round in  a semi-circle when it hangs itself.. 

It's getting grim out there now.


  1. A productive trip Wak. Was certainly a grim day weather wise.

    1. Think I'd have had several if I'd been able to put with that shite wind and cold rain.

  2. Ha ha. just crashed the empty table
