Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Out with the big guns.

Rained Sunday/Monday so a bit more pace and colour today back at the Noddy Train Bridge but nothing the big guns couldn't cope with. The Greys 15 footer and  a Korum wire stemmed float. Sits nicely and sensitive too, but a bit noisy on the strike so probably more suited to deeper, boily water. Those two feet extra length make such a difference too so my trotting was pretty well spot on. 


Shame the fish didn't think so. Or perhaps they'd moved. I did get  a female/male dace brace.

And a non-gender specific chublet 

I also got a stonking great kype-jawed brownie that I struggled to get in the net. Fortunately it didn't get airborne and the 2.6 lb bs Bayer Perlon hook link and #16 B560 held out. One more dace down its throat and it would have made 6lb. Not a beauty but a battler.

If you know you know.

Still struggling with my left ankle after a fall on Saturday so probably not a yomp on Thursday following a bucket of mash down the Wensum with a hunk of flake as planned, I'm thinking a spot of feeder fishing on the Yare, conveniently between two pubs doing food, Bream and perch the quarry.
Toodle pip.

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