Monday, 30 December 2013


Several days away with a large proportion of  the family over the Christmas break on the edge of the Cromer Ridge. I won't show the devastation wreaked along the sea front as it is a lot of peoples real life misery. Suffice to say, the sea can be a vicious cruel and indiscriminate force.                                

The North Sea in a calmer mode a few short days later.

Base camp , with the highest floor just below the snow line

Heavy manners reporting restriction in force so not much human interest allowed in the smuggled out footage but the boy Tonton Macoute does what everyone does when faced with a huge expanse of water and a large quantity of stones at their disposal.

Cromer sticks out a battered but resolute square jaw.Tobermory has a lot to answer for but the colour box theme does lift out of the gathering gloom quite well

Perhaps a few more boats, trailers and tractors hauled out than usual as the old bors take a break from the crab and lobster pots

Some fascinating detail can be found  amongst the assorted haulage tractors. Not so much bog shed door blue (Hats off to  The Two Terriers) as North sea tarp.

A little less esoteric


And to finish the  industro porn

Finished off with a little  light refreshment

On the Huh. From one of Norfolk's many Beestons. This one reps somewhere  in the PE32 enz but the grain is from Branthill, just above Wells I think. A little yeasty warm out of the bottle but a pleasantly satisfying accompaniment to Blackiston's rather quite good haddock and chips.

Aternative arti shlock (actually I am quite pleased with this)

The blue bottle dead centre of picture adorning the wall was probably an instailation or something


  1. That Norfolk Bog Door Blue is everywhere BB, lovely pictures too. I'm happy, Boro have won three(3) on the trot and son, who hasn't been Pike fishing since he discovered the female sex twenty one years ago, caught a ten pounder on Saturday afternoon. He's gone back to the big city now so I'm not on gillie/bait catching duty anymore.
    A Happy and Healthy New Year to you and yours, all the best, John

  2. JohnTT is right, top quality photos there Wak. Why is the boy known as Tonton Macoute ? Weren't they the Haiti thugs. Please expand .......Cromer is very photogenic, lovely colours. And while we are on the football the mighty Town are now in 5 th place. I may even start to watch if this carries on. Hail Mighty Mick McCarthy.

  3. Thanks one and all. Tonton Macoute? It's that or Garmin, short for Tom (Tom).
    Well done to the pike snatcher. Oldest Bure boy has also just got back into Peckham and face timed us. Well, not me. I must be the only person who hasn' t got a smart phone or a tablet. Or scroller's thumb. I hear the yoot now press a doorbell with their thumb.
    Get to Portman Road before the dream evaporates.
