Monday 27 August 2018

Of mixed heritage?

On the river this arvo, a bit of a down-streamer  so  mix and  match with the Greys 15 footer and pin and Drennan 13 footer and an infernal winding machine. Not sure which worked best to be honest and I'm not that sure about the provenance of some of the fish but after a recent dewatering good to see they had found a refuge somewhere. Once noted for it's big rudd this stretch between two mills and some of these do have slightly off-set dorsal and ventrals and a golder sheen so might be inbetweeners.

That's deffo roach.

I find that after a while the roach back off and the dace move in. Didn't up sticks this time to to find some more so had  a decent run of dace before heading off the floodplain and a wine or two. And the footie.

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