Monday, 3 April 2017

1st world problems.

The nights are pulling out apace. Just time now for a brisk walk "looking at rivers"  after chores. Or these days fishing somewhere. Be it on the fly or method feeder or lift bite peacock quill. Or devour a book and a bottle  (or three) in the garden. Swallows are back, and soon those screaming black sickle swifts will give a true sign that the world is still turning. Wonder if the Times has had it's first cuckoo of spring letter yet. They really becoming scarce now.

But the hedges are rampant the whole house needs painting and I have developed Twitter brain ADHD concentration level like the orange faced, small handed buffoon in charge of the Nuke button over the Pond.Which is my 1st world problem:

I have so many things to read.

A coffee table tome.  Much more readable, even in Angling Times snippets than his uncle, the Chuckling One. It does pay to take a tame resident l ens man with you.  Being in Landscape format not that easy to read. But it won't fall down the pan though, too wide.

And it's sister with a more jumbled mix of typography and devices. You know, film stock strips etc.Still would be  a struggle to drop it in the pot even in Portrait format.

As well as balancing the Seasons on my knees I am following Bruce Chatwin and the Welsh connection through the  collective  South American Badlands , In Patagonia . Which I  thought was a country. Singular.  But isn't.   And the origin of peons  peon. Someone with the lowest social standing, such that commoners may pee on them with impunity. One social level below serfs, untouchables, and freshmen ...
or more robustly pissant. little no-life weasely loser who amounts to nothing. shut the fuck up and ... Piss ant. An insolent or insignificant person; a peon; a nobody

Then there is (or will be):

and one I probably have read of his but in for a penny in for a pound

This may be more whimsy

And this a more earnest  nod to my Welsh boyhood (but not In Patagonia)  In Swansea and the Gower.

Mcfarlane's Landmarks looks  a good read, and he refs Deakin, who is  a god like figure to many and Baker who is  admired if not wholly defended by Tim Dee over rubbishing of Baker's peregrine infested some sniffy old fossils. It is his description that matters, it's a book, not  a scientific paper. So there,

Which has got me thinking about Jules Pretty's Luminous Coast.   And all things edgeland.

And I have a wallet full of book tokens ..


  1. You'll have to have your meals pushed under the door.

  2. Or a man cave BB - some great reading there, I really liked Black Apples - the others all classics. My to read pile of books is huge but have just gone back to an old favourite "South Country" by Edward Thomas. Enjoy! TTFN Dickie

  3. Some terrific reading lined up there... I loved Yates' 'Nightwalk'... Superb...
