You may have to suffer my drivel about time in sonny climes another day.
Meanwhile back in Blighty I have just about got the sand out of everywhere. Nice to see the Sheringham Shoals wind farm as we lost height and speed inbound to Naarich. Hope that is not chem trail vapour being dispersed...
Hunny has already shut down for the winter it seems. Just the grey pound to keep the local businesses afloat until the summer now.
A lot of the beaches between Yarco and Cromer always seem half empty, which is good cos that's the we like it, we like it,we like it. Overstrand on Saturday was empty . Except for the wreck of hundreds of big, fat Cromer crabs and whelks.
Our local mill is getting the gentrification treatment. The bonus is some serious canal restoration. Have yet to fish it properly but really ought to.
Finally got the rods out on Sunday and sidetracked myself with plenty of small roach on the blue lagoon but the river kept calling, as did the looming grey. I simply had to get some hemp in and though the trot was short, and in deep water enough hemp and caster got down to keep the dace an gudgeon feeding. Such wiry fish dace. I got soaked but really enjoyed it. Most of the stretch is still bank to bank thick weed so I hope Storm Aileen dumps half the Atlantic and starts to loosen it up. Two different sixes reported last week, weed so thick must have been misidentified grassies....
Stunning chublet must have eaten half the casters. Gob shite.
And the last fish of the evening left me thinking of lobs and paternostered gudgeon. Always well marked on this river.
More rain please, the drains are like an overfull salad bowl. Ahh, perch. John