Thursday 21 September 2017


Quick pit stop at Oxburgh Hall. Rather quaint and low key I  thought. Lovely none the less.

And there were denizens of the shallows too. It's always rudd in these sort of ornamental settings though the faithful retainers spoke of snaggle toothed pike as well.

Harvest of the ugly fruit in the walled garden.

Go on then, ha-ha.

I dont  know about ox-eyed, kale-eyed more like. The Metropolitan Elite rave about kale. It's vile however you dress it up.


  1. That label is an oxymoron. Mint, yes. The other two are devil's vegetables.

    1. Kale is one of the wonder foods, dontcha know ? Kale smoothie.....mmmmmmm. Like most greens. Good for you but horrible.
