Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Ancient warriors

"When life gets a bit stressful, have a can of said Dizzie Rascal. You know, the one Paxman  introduced on Obama's victory thus "So Mr. Rascal..."

In my case a pint of Woodfordes Wherry in the Dabbling Duck with John Richardson, one end of the  Zanderland correspondence and of Two Terriers fame amongst many other things. But no Lord Alan Sugar or his consort this time. Think the local airspace was a bit congested. Probably in the wake of the B52 that had circled over a generous swathe of God's Own County. (No not that pesky Yorkshire) with its twin starboard engines "gently"  glowing for a good hour the evening before to use fuel before it's emergency landing.

John had bought his Hardy roach rod, lovingly re-crafted by Andy Silwa, resplendent in green whipping. The rod's origin carefully recorded in Hardy's ledgers. As ever John  (TT) chose to fish with stewed wheat and corn and as usual seemed to be be able to avoid at least some of the tiny carp and get through to the roach. You can't see the lolly stick used to wedge the reel seat in place.

I had a quick dabble  as it would have been rude not to after all. I'd loaded my new pin with 6lb float fish and fished off the ratchet and waited for the rod to pull round, often in inches of water. Every thing is mouthed and nudged even an inch from the bank such is the gross overstocking. Game little things though in a lovely village setting. I always lose count but never interest after 20.

We are going back in late September's mists and mellow fruitfulness for a day of roach, carp, fine pork pies and beer. The conkers will be swelling nicely by then.

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