Mr Porky seems to be the main man Scratchings wise. This is his premium fare and I think is in a bigger bag too at 90 grammes. Usually £1.40 in the land of the Discovery (Waitrose) but reduced to £1.05 with a bottle of Greene King IPA at £1.25 was soon being rung through the till with the free weekend lifestyle paper and free to loyalty card holder monthly mag which is cover priced at £3.00.
Longer strips, and as a result probably more surface area for the salt to stick to. A more refined mouth feel but less goo. I wouldn't pay full whack for them. The IPA is good though and more of a session ABV than it's uncle Abbott.

Longer strips, and as a result probably more surface area for the salt to stick to. A more refined mouth feel but less goo. I wouldn't pay full whack for them. The IPA is good though and more of a session ABV than it's uncle Abbott.
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