Friday, 4 March 2022

A leap frogging we shall go

Probably walked 6 miles yesterday, spent a fait bit of time in each swim for  chubbing because of the activity on the tip. Today only a couple of hundred yards to the top of the stretch on a different river  but the order of the day was cast, twitch back and leapfrog mackerel top and tail sections. Well, until a fellow piker staked his clam half way down the reach. Half each, fair enough. Lightest of the leads today, 1.1 oz.

As well as the two standard rods across I had a zander type set up to fish down the near margin with a single circle hook and micro sardines.

Bit of  a struggle as the light set up didn't pull the powergum stop through the smallish rings in the Avon rod. I could have retackled I suppose using the lighter powergum as a stop, think I'll revert to the 12 foot All Rounders in future as the rings are  a decent size all the way to and including the tip ring.

Back to the main event and the first twitch back on the upstream mackerel head did the biz with this little snapper. A bit leeched up but a nice plump belly and a nice little scrap too. That was it but a pleasant  couple of hours.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Decent looking beast. Not bad for a couple of hours by the river.

    1. Certainly not a chore. We are all bemoaning the lack of doubles and up this year on the river A week to find them.
