Sunday, 26 November 2023

Getting a few trots in

This BureBoi's weekends are mostly spent taking Youngest to football. Beats staying at home and helping Next Eldest with her homework. High school now and the amount they get set is shocking. Two aways this weekend. Aylsham have a very good set up from tots to seniors and a lovely setting. Take cards for the bacon rolls and teas as well. 2 goals for Youngest to take the points


Shipdham was a very long drive and it was absolutely fooking freezing this morning. No card machine so no hot goodies for me and it was very basic. Bad tempered draw and Youngest got an assist and hit the post. What is this two defenders and keeper in 6 yard box for goal kicks rubbish? All you do is invite a press. That's my sports report for the season.  

Which meant little time for fishing. The river did look spot on and I gave it  a good go for an hour but not a bite. Again. Car was parked right by the tidal pool and though it was nearly dark and now raining had just six trots back up the eddy before I couldn't see the float any more. This chublet..

 a small dace, two nice roach and a decent trout. And a better roach lost.

I'll keep an eye on the flow patterns over the sluices and set about getting amongst those roach again. when it's running right. And I have an hour to spare.


  1. Not a bad little for haul for a few trots.

    1. Should have sat there from the start really. Never let the good flow chances pass by.

  2. More sports report needed!!

  3. Now I've got the theme tune as an earworm.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Excellent post...Pat McHat, the very famous sports reporter is talking !
    Card ? Dont give in to the man, use caaaash where ye can boiiiii.

  6. The Great Card Conspiracy. THEY know where you've been. Hah Hah Pat McHat
