Saturday, 12 March 2016

Hello Keith

Lord Light, Essex's finest Scribbler reckons I only catch one pike and keep turning it round so one notices. Well, I say,  there's is 6 miles or so of river from the top of our stretch,  and the free stretch down to the start of Broadland tidal river at the Horstead Mill/Lock impasse. OK, there was Lumpy, 12 pound with a large orange tumour.  One eye, 18 lb and you can work it out. The short fat 17. But that was a couple years ago, on the top section. Things  must have moved on mustn't they?

Short session on the top stretch (wait for it) after a work party on the ressie. Following two one sided battles  with some sort of  cross river sub surface snag I had more  or less resigned  myself to a trip to the tackle shop to stock up for Mondays Fen adventure.

Away with the half herring and a spirited fight later I am  posing with another back end plump pike of 11 pounds plus. Little did I know that this was Keith. Keith  was Lord Light's suggested name for "my" pike. It was not till I was farting about later with Snaspseed that I noticed a misshapen pelvic fin that looked familiar.

Checked back a couple of weeks and yes, Keith was Keith and had last been caught about a 1/4 mile downstream.  Which of course made Lord Light chortle at length.

Keith is quite a nice looking fish don't you think?

Had one more chance but forgot it was a donkey choker mackerel tail and didn't set the hooks  properly.


  1. He is a nice fish, but leave him alone now.

  2. Superb colour and markings, you obviously caught him after he'd been to the nail salon. A pike called Keith. I like it. All I've got is Concorde nose caught him a few times with his funny shaped beak. See you tomorrow. John
