Wednesday, 10 June 2020

Muddy fix

I've been a bit jarred off of late and the old hiatus hernia is playing me up. My mojo is low. But a break in the murk yesterday had me  heading down the road to the Very Local to perch on  a platform above the increasing swathe of silt for an hour before lights out. I needed to find my stuck extended 3m landing net handle I'd stashed to reach the slightly deeper water to the left pads in case a net was called for. Not a bad spot to be jarred off in. And hardly any midges.

The net was needed, on the very last cast to a patch of bubbles. No barnstorming carp, or silt diving tench but  a slightly muddy bream. Second go spawning tubercules and a strange scale pattern. Not out of the jarred off slump yet but  a glimmer of light ahead. A purple light at the moment what those rhodos and all. These Puddle Chucker floats are ideal for such shallow water but they do ping off thee line. This one has been lost and recovered twice, hence the silty tide marks.


  1. My good man that first photo is awesome.

    1. It is a lovely spot and 5 minutes from home too......
