Sunday 26 June 2022

Job done .

Quick bash on the island and typically no real activity until  the curfew loomed. A warm but swirly and troublesome wind so no puddle chucker thus time round. One bumped on the strike and  just the one bream before time to go. Which was also hastened by the return of the inept mallard and it's diving and thus bait robbing mate.

No matter, just nice to get back on Golden Pond and to soak up the sights and sounds. I had to to tactfully advise a person with bins, shorts and wellies that standing on the very busy roadside in an attempt to glimpse an apparently very rare downy emerald was tantamount to a suicide bid, I made do with this much safer glimpse of a black tailed skimmer, rareness not established. Shorts and wellies; sort of socks and crocs. And un-ironic bucket hat. 

The rhodos and flag iris are now gone over but still beauty to be found.

Brave the hordes of post furlough water sports enthusiasts today on one of my river tickets? Maybe.


  1. One of the reasons I don't do short sessions for the likes of bream, etc. They'd start feeding just as |I had to leave.
