Friday 3 March 2023

Tackle tarts

Twitter convo recently with @YorvikAngler and @Togoch about the lure of the tackle shop and the unhealthy effects they have on our pockets, my last foray saw me leaving Dangling Indirect clutching these little beauties I have to snap up when I see them

I'd also got a tub each of my go to yellow peril and shocking pink 8mm wafters and was rootling about to see if there was anything else that I must simply have when I made  a grim discovery. A tin of actual yellow peril LIDL corn had slightly split and everything in the lidded bucket was enveloped in foul liquid and furry mould. Lidded bucket. You see, my catastrophising brain had decided the bath above my sacred study and tackle den had leaked. Then the unmistakeable stench of festering corn (Corm steep liquor anyone at tackle tart prices?) and the fact that I'd had to undo the lid all kicked in.

I've got to get  a pint of reds on the way down to Devil Dog Land this morning. I wonder what I'll come out of the tackle shop with as well? And the bath does leak sometimes. I'm marginally better than the Loafer at mending (bodging) things.


  1. Well the head torch I love that I got from China decided to fail the other day, obviously a loose connection somewhere as the main strip light was switching on and off faster than my Wife. So out with the soldering iron and a couple of cm's of cable and job done, all working again. Would probably take a while to get another from China but might look for a replacement. I'm the same go in to my local angling direct and I come out with far more than I had initially anticipated, bit like the supermarket I suppose.

  2. Great hooks, but I go through them at a rate because as well as the fish they stick in everything else in the river!

  3. Can't have been very awake when I first read this as I tried to work out how a leaking bath had caused a tin of corn to explode. Second read through a bit later and it all makes sense.
